Are you having plans for starting up a business in Holland? The Dike international company can help you in starting a business on distance. You can stay where you are and start up a Dutch business within 5 working days. To start your business in the Netherlands, there are 3 important aspects where the company can help you with; you need a registered office (a Dutch address), a Dutch VAT number and a Dutch company bank account. This way, you are allowed to do officially business in the Netherlands and can invoice that way. Dike international offers all these services and more.
Services offered to foreign business owners
– Opening a BV (besloten vennootschap) company within 5 – 10 working days 950,-
– Opening a bank account in a Dutch bank 695,-
– Obtaining a VAT number 295,-
Obtaining a social security number (the director of the company needs to open a security number at the company bank account) 145,-
– A registered office in the Netherlands 1.080,- a year (90,- a month)
Also they can provide continuous personal assistance. This includes opening a bank account and the obtaining of a social security number for 1.100. If you like to take advantage of all their services, you can go for the attractive all-in price of 2.950 for the whole first year.